凱莉(Carrie):And we were dressed from head to toe in love... the only label that never goes out of style.


They say nothing lasts forever.Dreams change.Trends come and go,but friendships never go out of style.


Women come to New York for the two L's: Labels and Love.


大人物(Mr.Big)引述貝多芬的情詩:Be Calm—love me---today—yesterday—what tearful longings for you—you—you-my life—my all—farewell. Oh continue to love me—never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours.

心如止水,只愛我一個人;無論現在或過去 我是如此含淚地渴望著你 你 只有為你 你就是我生命的重心 為了你我可以放下所一切 因為你就是我所需要的全部 請繼續的愛著我 ,永遠都不要輕視了你心愛的我這個最忠貞不二 愛你的心 ,始終都屬於你的 我的 我們的

被 Carrie邀請當伴娘的 Samantha Jones 回答:I feel the same way as you feel about Botox. Painful and unnecessary.


Miranda 鬧情緒而跟即將步入禮堂的Mr.Big 講的話: You two are crazy to get married. Marriage ruins everything.


劇中 Vogue 雜誌主編 Enid Frick(Candice Bergen 飾演)提議以凱莉的婚禮為主題,拍攝”Age Issue”,說服她:「妳40歲。40歲是女人拍攝婚紗照的年齡上限而不會被認為是搞怪藝術照。」

Forty is the last age a woman can be photographed in a wedding dress without the unintended Diane Arbus subtext.

註:Diane Arbus1923-1971,出生於紐約的女性攝影師,以拍攝社會邊緣小人物聞名。)


Alright then enjoy yourself that is what you're 20's for. In 30's are to learn the lesson. In 40's are pay for the drinks.


(凱莉的自創字:Mexico + coma,原句:I need to get myself out of my Mexi-coma.)

電影裡莎曼珊有段台詞很經典:”I can't color enough, I would color all day every day If I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.”

凱莉接著說: ”We get it! You like to color...” (color= have sex,請自行翻譯與意會。)


姐妹淘們看到身上多了15磅贅肉的莎曼珊都非常驚訝,凱莉問: ”Well, honey, what have you been eating?”

莎曼珊吃下一大口蛋糕,說: ”Everything, except Dante's dick.”

( Dante 是莎曼珊的鄰居,性生活非常活躍,是隻很優的種馬。台灣的翻譯很含蓄:什麼都吃,就是不偷吃。)
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